Vytvoření multidisciplinárního týmu pro spolehlivé řešení nelineárních úloh mechaniky, r. č. CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0070

Publikace a výstupy

P. Beremlijski, J. Haslinger, J. Outrata, R. Pathó: Numerical Solution of 2D Contact Shape Optimization Problems Involving a Solution-Dependent Coefficient of Friction. Springer .

P. Beremlijski, J. Haslinger, J. Outrata, R. Pathó: Tvarová optimalizace pro 2D kontaktní problém s Coulombovým třením s koeficientem tření závislým na řešení. In Sborník konference Seminář numerické analýzy 2014, 2014, 14-17, ISBN 978-80-87136-16-4.

P. Beremlijski, J. Haslinger, J. Outrata, R. Pathó: Shape Optimization in Contact Problems with Coulomb Friction and a Solution-Dependent Friction Coefficent, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization.

M. Cermak, J. Haslinger, S. Sysala: Numerical solution of perfect plastic problems with contact: part II – implementation. In: Proceedings of the conference SNA’13 Seminar on Numerical Analysis – Winter School (eds. R. Blaheta, J. Starý, H. Bílková), Rožnov p. R., 2013, pp. 36-40.

M. Cermak, J. Haslinger, S. Sysala: Numerical solution of perfect plastic problems with contact: partI - theory and numerical methods. In: Proceedings of the XII International Conference on Computational Plasticity - Fundamentals and Applications (eds. E. Onate, D.R.J. Owen, D. Peric, B. Suarez), Barcelona, Spain 2013, pp.987-998.

M. Cermak, J. Haslinger, S. Sysala: Numerical solution of perfect plastic problems with contact: partII – numerical realization. In: Proceedings of the XII International Conference on Computational Plasticity - Fundamentals and Applications (eds. E. Onate, D.R.J. Owen, D. Peric, B. Suarez), Barcelona, Spain 2013, pp. 999-1009.

M. Cermak, T. Kozubek, S. Sysala, J. Valdman: A TFETI domain decomposition solver for elastoplastic problems. Applied Mathematics and Computation 231 (2014) 634–653.

H. Dolezalová, V. Kajzar, K. Soucek, L. Stas: Analysis of surface movements from undetermining in time. Acta Geodyn. Geomater., roč. 9, c. 3 (167), s. 389-400, 2012.

V. Kajzar, H. Dolezalová, K. Soucek, L. Stas: Gabriela Locality: Starting geodetic observations to detect the surface manifestations from undermining, Acta Geodyn. Geomater., roc. 9, c. 3 (167), s. 401-407, 2012.

P. Ferfecki, J. Zapoměl: Approaches for Determination of the Yield Shear Stress in the Magnetorheological Dampers, In 17th International Seminar of Applied Mechanics, Modelling and Optimization of Physical Systems 12, 2013, Gliwice, Polish Republic, pp. 13-20, ISBN 83-60102-65-1

P. Ferfecki, J. Zapoměl: The Magnetostatic Analysis of Magnetorheological Dampers, In omputational Mechanics 2013, 29th conference with international participation, 2013, Špičák, Czech Republic, pp. 25-26, ISBN 978-80-261-0282-3.

J. Zapoměl, P. Ferfecki, P. Forte: A Computational Investigation of the Steady State Vibrations of Unbalanced Flexibly Supported Rigid Rotors Damped by Short Magnetorheological Squeeze Film Dampers, Journal Vibration and Acoustics, Vol. 135, No. 6, 064505, August, 2013.

V. Hapla, D. Horak, M. Merta: Software design of TFETI massively parallel implementation, příspěvek do sborníku konference SNA '12.

V. Hapla, D. Horak, M. Merta: Use of direct solvers in TFETI massively parallel implementation. Proceedings of PARA 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7782 LNCS, pp 192-205, 2013. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-36803 -5_14.

D. Horak, V. Hapla: A Comparison of Different Parallel Solvers for Linear Systems of Equations based on Domain Decomposition, in Proceedings of PARENG 2013, Paper 3, 2013. DOI: 10.4203/ccp.101.3.

V. Hapla, D. Horak: A Comparison of FETI Natural Coarse Space Projector Implementation Strategies. Proceedings of PARENG2013, ISSN: 1759-3433, Paper 6, 2013. DOI: 10.4203/ccp.101.6,.

D. Horak, V. Hapla: TFETI coarse problem massively parallel implementation. ECCOMAS 2012 e-Book Full Papers, pp 8260-8267, 2012. ISBN: 978-395035370-9.

P. Harasim, J. Valdman: Verification of functional a posteriori error estimates for an obstacle problem in 1D. Kybernetika 49, No. 5.

M. Jarosova, A. Klawonn, O. Rheinbach: Projector preconditioning and transformation of basis in FETI-DP algorithms for contact problems, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Volume 82, Issue 10, June 2012, pages 1894-1907.

M. Merta, A. Vasatova, V. Hapla, D. Horak: Parallel implementation of Total-FETI DDM with application to medical image registration. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer.

R. Kucera, T. Kozubek, A. Markopoulos: On large-scale generalized inverses in solving two-by-two block linear systems, Linear Algebra and Its Applications 438, issue 7, pages 3011-3029, 2013.

T. Kozubek, V. Vondrák, M. Menšík, D. Horák, Z. Dostál, V. Hapla, P. Kabelíková, M. Čermák: Total FETI domain decomposition method and its massively parallel implementation, Advances in Engineering Software, Volume 60-61, 2013, Pages 14-22.

S. Sysala, J. Haslinger, M. Cermak: Numerical solution of contact perfectly plastic problems: part I - theory and numerical methods. In: Proceedings of the conference SNA’13 Seminar on Numerical Analysis – Winter School (eds. R. Blaheta, J. Starý, H. Bílková), Rožnov p. R., 2013, pp. 104-108.

S. Sysala: Properties and simplifications of constitutive time-discretized elastoplastic operators. ZAMM - Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 94 (2014) 233-255.

P. Neittaanmäki, S. Repin, J.Valdman: Estimates of deviations from exact solutions of elasticity problems with nonlinear boundary conditions, Russ. J. Numer. Anal. Math.Model. 28, No.6, 597-630 (2013).

T. Rahman, J. Valdman: Fast MATLAB assembly of FEM matrices in 2D and 3D: nodal elements. Applied Mathematics and Computation 219, pages 7151-7158, 2013.

K. Bandara, F. Cirak, G. Of, O. Steinbach, J. Zapletal: BEM Based Shape Optimization Using Shape Calculus and Multiresolution Analysis.

Brzobohatý, T., Beremlijski, P., Kozubek, T., Outrata, J., Markopoulos, A.: Parallel solution of contact shape optimization problems with Coulomb friction based on domain decomposition. In High Performance Structures and Materials 2012 Conference Proceedings, 2012.

Hapla, V., Horák, D.: TFETI coarse space projectors parallelization strategies, PPAM 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7203 LNCS (PART 1), Springer, 2012, pp. 152-162, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-31464-3_16

Doležalová, H.; Kajzar V.; Souček , K.; Staš, L. Analysis of surface movements from undermining in time. Acta geodynamica et geomaterialia. Roč. 9, č. 3 (2012), s. 389-400. ISSN 1214-9705.

Kajzar, V.; Doležalová H.; Souček, K.; Staš, L. Gabriela locality: Starting geodetic observations to detect the surface manifestations from undermining. Acta geodynamica et geomaterialia. Roč. 9, č. 3 (2012), s. 401-407. ISSN 1214-9705.

Doležalová, H.; Kajzar V.; Souček , K.; Staš, L. GNSS observations in the Gabriela locality. EGRSE. Exploration Geophysics, Remote Sensing and Environment. Roč. 19, č. 1 (2012), s. 13-18. ISSN 1803-1447.

Rahman, T.; Valdman, J. Fast MATLAB assembly of FEM matrices in 2D and 3D: Nodal elements. Applied Mathematics and Computation [online]. 2011, Article in press, [cit. 2011-12-07]. Dostupný z WWW. ISSN 00963003.

Brzobohatý, T.; Dostál, Z.; Kozubek, T.; Kovář P.; Markopoulos, A. Cholesky decomposition with fixing nodes to stable computation of a generalized inverse of the stiffness matrix of a floating structure. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 2011, Volume 88, Issue 5, s. 493-509.

Kajzar, V.; Doležalová H.; Souček, K.; Staš, L. Aerial Photogrammetry observation of the subsidence depression near Karviná. Acta geodynamica et geomaterialia. Roč. 8, č. 3 (2011), s. 309-317. ISSN 1214-9705.

Doležalová, H.; Kajzar V.; Souček , K.; Staš, L. Analýza geodetických měření poddolovaného území. EGRSE. Exploration Geophysics, Remote Sensing and Environment. Roč. 18, č. 3 (2011), s. 27-36. ISSN 1803-1447.

Doležalová, H. Suggestion of Complex Monitoring of Undermined Territory. Geophysics in Mining and Environmental Protection. 1. Berlin : Springer Verlag, 2011 - (Idziak, A.; Dubiel, R.), s. 81-89. ISBN 978-3-642-19096-4. - (Geoplanet. Earth and Planetary Sciences)

Sborník Seminar on Numerical Analysis – Modelling and Simulation of Challenging Engineering Problems, Liberec, 2012.

Sborník SPOMECH Workshop 2011 - Supercomputing and computational solid and fluid mechanics.

Sborník SPOMECH Workshop 2012 - Supercomputing and computational solid and fluid mechanics.

Sborník SPOMECH Workshop 2013 - Supercomputing and computational solid and fluid mechanics.

Modelling 2014 (závěrečná konference projektu SPOMECH).

Vytvoření multidisciplinárního týmu pro spolehlivé řešení nelineárních úloh mechaniky, r. č. CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0070